Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

About the KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

This appeal provides life-saving hospital equipment for KIRF Community Hospital Jatlan, a state of the art 70 bed Gynae & General Hospital serving population of more than 200,000 of 150 villages and hamlets of Mirpur, Bhimber, Jhelum and Gujrat districts.

The hospital is a lifeline to the local community and was established with refurbished equipment from UK as donations and has been excessively used with ongoing maintenance for the last 15 years. The equipment has become obsolete and beyond repair as spare parts are not available.

The hospital urgently requires the following kit:


# Item Price Each Total
1. 3 X Anaesthesia Machine £2500 £7,500
2. 2 X Cardiac Monitor £2400 £4,800
3. Operations Theatre Alterations £7500 £7,500
4. Suction Machine £450 £450
5. 2 X Operations Theatre table £4,300 £8,600
6. Dual AC £450 £450
7. Operations Theatre Beds £650 £1,300
8. 2 X Auto Clave £450 £900
9. OT light portable £900 £900
10. 25 X Hospital Beds £425 £10,625
11. 2 X Oxygen Concentrator £625 £1,300
12. 3 X Patient Trolley £700 £2,100
13. Delivery Table £2,100 £2,100
14. 2 X Baby Warmer £900 £1,800
15. Defibrillator £2,100 £2,100
    TOTAL £54,425


Please donate generously towards this life saving hospital equipment, this will provide often life-saving treatment to local residents, some of whom are zakat eligible. The hospital is non-profit charity registered hospital.


Please donate your sadqa, zakat or other alms etc. towards this noble cause and be a life saver for the poor of Mirpur District. Your donations will really make a difference, may Allah reward you for every penny you contribute.


Allah says in the Holy Quran: Those who spend their wealth (in charity) day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.” The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said that Allah the Glorious and Exalted Says: ‘Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’

Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

PakTrust Logo

About is a registered British Charity with Charity Number 1113301. was established as a direct result of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan and Kashmir in 2005. A group of London-based professional family members, friends, relatives and supporters were spurred into action by the earthquake. Our original mission was to provide emergency relief and assistance to the earthquake victims.


Since then, our mission has been to implement charitable projects in Pakistan and Kashmir. Our projects provide maximum value for money for those providing the funds, and maximum help to the people that need it the most. is a small charity, but in a short period of time with loyal support, we have successfully implemented many projects and schemes serving hundreds of thousands families, helping some of the poorest people in society.

About KIRF

Kashmir International Relief Fund (KIRF) is a non-profit and non-governmental charitable organisation, registered with Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council Islamabad under registration number 242/2005.


KIRF has been working in Azad Kashmir since 1992, to uplift the poor and unprivileged segment of the society, especially in rural and far-flung areas of the state by providing health, education and skills to women.


One of its proudest achievements is the 70 bed KIRF Community Hospital at Jatlan District Mirpur Azad Kashmir, completed in 2005, with 90% of the construction costs donated by overseas Kashmiri and Pakistanis residing in the UK.


A new KIRF Kidney Dialysis Centre has just been completed to provide life-saving dialysis treatment – making this vital healthcare accessible to the poor across a large area in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.

Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

Message from Trustees

Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

Bank Account Details

Bank: NatWest
Account name: PAKTRUST
Account number: 68134622
Sort code: 60-22-23
IBAN: GB36NWBK60222368134622
Bank address: 204 High Street, Walthamstow, London, E17 7LL

Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal

Contact Us

If you need to speak to us for any reason, please complete the contact form below. Alternatively, you can email us at or call +44 (0)7796 568 973.

    Support the PakTrust & KIRF Hospital Equipment Ramadan Appeal